Field Actions in Statamic are Amazing
Are Fields Actions the most useful thing that happened to Statamic this year? Yes - not only do they help to solve a lot of problems, but they also do it in a very simple way.
When Jack Sleight mentioned field actions on Twitter or Bluesky for the first time, I decided to drop everything and try it. Why? What I missed in Statamic (and WordPress, too) was a way to convert the data in a specific field or populate other fields based on some field with a click of a button.
Let me explain using a more practical example. I have a website on which I collect links to interesting websites. Each post consists of:
article title
my comment
While I could do everything manually (and that's what working on my newsletter looks like) it would be cool to automate two things:
grab the title and author based on the URL
make sure that the title and author are written in Title Case
Thanks to Field Actions, it's really simple to achieve.
First of all - check the documentation about Field Actions - there you'll find all the information you need.
After you understand the basics it's time to create a resources/js/field-actions.js
file and add it to vite.config.js
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
input: [
refresh: true,
Time for some fun 🎉
Title Case
In my case, I created a Bard Set "website", that has 4 fields:
All the examples in this article will be based on this setup.
So, before we even start creating a field action, we have to create a function that will convert our string into a Title Case one:
function titleCase(str) {
if (!str) {
return '';
const splitStr = str.toLowerCase().split(' ');
for (var i = 0; i < splitStr.length; i++) {
splitStr[i] = splitStr[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + splitStr[i].substring(1);
return splitStr.join(' ');
This function first converts everything to lowercase, then splits based on spaces, and finally converts the first letter of every word to uppercase.
Having this we can create our action:
Statamic.$fieldActions.add('text-fieldtype', {
title: 'Convert to Title Case',
run: ({config, value, update}) => {
And it works:
Done? Almost there. While it's cool and it works, we can improve this. There are two things we want to add:
right now we have to click the "..." first and then select an action - let's create a quick action and save ourselves one click
this action also shows up on the URL field, and we don't need it there - let's fix that too
Luckily, in both cases Statamic has us covered.
Statamic.$fieldActions.add('text-fieldtype', {
title: 'Convert to Title Case',
run: ({config, value, update}) => {
quick: true,
icon: 'light/text'
By adding quick
and picking a nice SVG icon we added it as a quick action. Now, when we hover on the field the icon shows up.
Statamic.$fieldActions.add('text-fieldtype', {
title: 'Convert to Title Case',
run: ({config, value, update}) => {
visible: ({config}) => {
return config.handle == 'title' || config.handle == 'author';
quick: true,
icon: 'light/text'
By adding conditions in visiblity
we can select where we want it to show.
And now we're done.
Grabbing the title and the author
This one is a bit more tricky because it will take a bit more time. That's why we are going to use the promise mechanism.
First, let's focus on grabbing the data itself. Because I'm lazy, I used to to take care of CORS problems.
async function grabOGData({values, update}) {
const url = encodeURI(values.url);
const proxyurl = '' + url;
try {
const response = await fetch(proxyurl);
const html = await response.text();
const parser = new DOMParser();
const doc = parser.parseFromString(html, 'text/html');
const title = doc.querySelector('meta[property="og:title"]')?.content;
const author = doc.querySelector('meta[name="author"]')?.content;
update('title', title);
update('author', author);
} catch (error) {
What we are doing here is passing our URL to, parsing the HTML, and grabbing the content of og:title
and author
meta fields. In the end, we're updating those fields in our set.
Now, we have to connect it to field action:
Statamic.$fieldActions.add('bard-fieldtype-set', {
title: 'Grab data',
run: ({values, update }) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
grabOGData({values, update});
visible: ({config}) => {
return config.handle == 'website';
All together it works like this:
Let's sum up
Field actions are AMAZING. I have so many ideas on how we can use those. For example, generating a summary for SEO using AI or adding a proper emoji to a section title (again, using AI).
I'm sure that this will be one of my favorite features in Statamic.
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