Maciek Palmowski

I’m a web developer working at Patchstack, a public speaker, and an Open Source enthusiast.

After hours, I spend most of my time trying to find interesting guests for the Code and Coffee Show, drinking coffee or cycling.

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Let's talk about closed plugins in the WordPress repository

Let's talk about closed plugins in the WordPress repository

2024 - 06 - 18

You have a WordPress website and installed some plugins from the official plugin repository. You are using the official repository because it's official, so it's THE repository. You feel a bit safer, also it informs you about the new versions so everything seems OK. But what
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Give WordPress a try - it's not as bad as you think

Give WordPress a try - it's not as bad as you think

2024 - 06 - 04

During the International PHP Conference, I had a chance to give a talk called "Give WordPress a try - it's not as bad as you can think". I wanted to show people that despite the reputation that WP has, is a very important CMS and that it evolved in the last years.
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Statamic for WordPress developers - data modeling and collections

Statamic for WordPress developers - data modeling and collections

2024 - 04 - 18

In this part of the series, we will dive into two very important things - data modeling (AKA custom fields in WP) and collections (AKA post types in WP).
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How to easily start blogging as a developer

How to easily start blogging as a developer

2024 - 04 - 07

So, here you are - you have a great idea for an article or even just wrote it, but you must publish it somewhere. Here are some tips about starting your developer blog.
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I was at Open Source Day 2024 in Florence

I was at Open Source Day 2024 in Florence

2024 - 04 - 03

At the beginning of March, I had the chance to visit Florence and take part in OS Day 2024.
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Astro Studio - first impression

Astro Studio - first impression

2024 - 03 - 14

I waited a long time for Astro Studio to launch. For quite a while I wasn't fully sure what to expect. Luckily, at JSWorld in Amsterdam Elian shared a bit more about it and I knew it would be a database.
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I was at the JS World, VueJS and DevWorld Amsterdam

I was at the JS World, VueJS and DevWorld Amsterdam

2024 - 03 - 05

For the second year, I visited Amsterdam to attend JSWorld. Last year was an amazing experience, so even the crazy ticket price couldn't stop me.
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Building a documentation site using Astro Starlight

Building a documentation site using Astro Starlight

2024 - 02 - 21

While working at Patchstack, we decided to change our documentation a bit. Both from the content perspective and the engine perspective.
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Code & Coffee Show

The Code and Coffee Show publishes videos about Web Development and Coffee! Together with all the amazing guests, follow all the different topics from the fascinating world of WebDev.