Migrating Gutenberg blocks using the Statamic Importer

2024 - 11 - 11
Migrating Gutenberg blocks using the Statamic Importer

Some time ago, I wrote a tutorial explaining how to migrate Gutenberg blocks to Bard sets—now it's time to improve it by using Statamic Importer.

The Block Editor aka Gutenberg

With the WordPress 5.0 release, Gutenberg became the new content editor and replaced TinyMCE. This change brought many changes in the way content was created. With TinyMCE, the content was just a blob of HTML that we could simply import into Statamic.

Gutenberg is more similar to Bard, where everything consists of blocks.

With both editors sharing a similar approach to handing content, moving some blocks directly to Bard sets would be great.

Statamic Importer to the rescue

At the beginning of November, Statamic released the Importer Addon. It lets you import any content in CSV or JSON format, which means we can use it with any CMS. What's extra cool about it is how simple it is to convert Gutenberg blocks to Bard Sets.

I won't explain how the importer works because it's simple and Jack already made a video about it

Our example block

In WordPress, we have a block called acf/test and it consists of three data fields:

It's not complicated, but enough for this example.

Preparation in Statamic

We need to do two things:

The installation is well described in the documentation, so I won't dwell on this.

Inside Bard create a new set called test and create fields:

Time to import

Open your AppServiceProvider.php and add something like this:

namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Statamic\Statamic;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Statamic\Importer\WordPress\Gutenberg;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function register(): void

    public function boot(): void
        Gutenberg::hook('acf/test', function ($payload, $next) {
            $block = Arr::get($payload, 'block.attrs.data');
            return [
                'type' => 'set',
                'attrs' => [
                    'values' => [
                        'type' => 'test',
                        'name' => $block['name'],
                        'is_important' => $block['is_important'],
                        'bigger_text' => $block['bigger_text'],

As you can see we're using the Gutenberg:hook and we're hooking to our custom block.

Next, we get the required data from $payload.

Last, but not least we're returning a set with the correct name and data.

And voila - we have imported our custom block to Statamic.

The only thing left is to run the importer.


Closing thoughts

I love how well Statamic approached all the problems in the WordPress ecosystem. Instead of bashing or posting snarky comments, they started to post solutions. That's how we got the great guide on switching from one to another and this importer.

And as you can see - content migration isn't that difficult, especially for content websites.

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