Buying a bicycle using Playwright

Buying a bicycle using Playwright

2023 - 03 - 20

There is a time in every cyclist's life when they decide to change their bike. This year I felt it was my turn to do so. That's why I used e2e testing, wrote Telegram bots, and set up GH Actions.
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Creating custom actions in Buddy

Creating custom actions in Buddy

2022 - 12 - 31

While Buddy was always my favorite CI/CD app, it was missing one feature - sharable custom actions. Luckily for us - it has changed lately and in this article, I will show you how to create them.
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No Deploy Friday action

No Deploy Friday action

2022 - 09 - 28

There is no worst idea than deploying on Friday. Here I will show you how to prevent it at a pipeline level.
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Deploying WordPress with confidence using CI/CD

Deploying WordPress with confidence using CI/CD

2022 - 06 - 06

Deploying WordPress seems to be a pretty easy task, but if we won't pay enough attention you'll end up publishing fatal errors on production.
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Implement CI/CD step-by-step in your project

Implement CI/CD step-by-step in your project

2022 - 04 - 22

Is implementing a full-fledged CI/CD in your project difficult? It depends. The most difficult part is making the first step because sometimes it requires changing the habits of the whole team. In this article, I'll explain how to do it step by step.
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